St Michael's Veterinary Services Ltd

Veterinary referral consultations for chronic pain and behaviour problems in small animals

Our Services

Chronic pain management. A chronic pain assessment takes around ninety minutes and will include a detailed discussion of your pet’s problems, including medical history, but also any changes in behaviour or issues with mobility or general enjoyment of life. All of these details help us to assess how much your pet is suffering and provides clues as to how we can make an individualised plan for that animal moving forwards. You will receive a detailed written report and plan and your vet will also receive a report and be kept informed of progress made.

Behavioural assessment. A behaviour assessment takes around two hours and involves taking a detailed history of your pet’s background and experiences, which helps us to understand why your pet is behaving in such a way. If we can understand the reasons for the behaviour we are much more likely to be able to form an effective plan for moving things forwards. Often that plan includes assessment and treatment of any underlying clinical issues, a discussion about safety and some management techniques and also behaviour therapy. In some cases we need to resort to behaviour modifying drugs but usually prefer to try with behaviour modification techniques in the first instance. You will receive a detailed written report and plan and your vet will also receive a report. Behavioural follow up and support (usually by email) is provided for twelve weeks after the initial assessment so long as the client keeps in touch as requested.


St Michael’s Veterinary Services is a referral service only. Owners should contact their own Veterinary Surgeon in an emergency.

Information for Pet Owners

If you have a pet that you would like us to see then please direct your vet to our Referral Form.

Please be aware that we cannot directly advise owners about their pet’s pain or behavioural problems. If you wish to be referred or would like your vet to discuss your pet's issues before referral then please direct them to the form below.

About Us

St Michael's Veterinary Services is run by Lindsay Galloway. Lindsay is a graduate of Glasgow Vet School and spent many years in small animal practice before developing an interest and passion for treating chronic pain and behaviour in cats and dogs. She completed the GP cert in Western Veterinary Acupuncture and Chronic Pain Management and holds the GP Cert in Animal behaviour too. She has spent many years taking chronic pain and behaviour referrals across Scotland, seeing cases at both Edinburgh and Glasgow Vet Schools, as well as in private practices.

Contact Information

© Lindsay Galloway 2023